Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Episode 9 – “All or Nothing”

After Yamaken’s advice during the cultural festival, Shizuku finally decided to face her feelings for everyone. Especially for Haru.

This episode started with Golubaeser Asako’s. She briefly explained, with a lot of typos, what happened after the festival and… oh what important is she already considered Shizuku as her bestfriend. What surprises me is that, Shizuku replied to her post (maybe she’s the only reader of the site LOL).

Mizutani Shizuku wakes up and saw Haru in her room, entering through the window. He slipped that her father is still in the house and he was not supposed to tell her. Shizuku hurried down to look for his father. She discovered that their store went under so she decided to call her mom.

HOHO. Some boys talk here. I like their response with one another when they asked each other if they already DID IT. Poor Natsume, being left out in the conversation.

Natsume discovered that Haru and Shizuku are not making any progress since the cultural festival, frustrating her even more.

Oh. So this is the reason. *nod* *nod*.

Shizuku wanted a goldfish when she was young. She read books about it, bought the things needed. All ready. But… they didn’t get one. It just raised her expectation, hurting her unconsciously.

Since Shizuku wants a goldfish, Haru tried to catch a crayfish. Huh. Wait. there’s something wrong…

HOHO. Yamaken really suck with directions but he’s good at maintaining his cool. After the fifth try, he finally managed to arrive at his destination. (Well I sometimes get lost in a library either)

Shizuku wanted to see Yamaken. But not for the reason he’s thinking.

At least in academics, you can control the outcome whether it’s good or bad

Shizuku is realizing a LOT of things this episode.

Oh. We are now getting some flashbacks of Natsume Asako. This is pretty interesting. Being bullied by the girls really scarred her life huh. All thanks to Mitsuyoshi (I always forgot his name, as you may notice on my first Tonari post) the girls left.

If you cant give up one, learn to balance both at the same time.

It looks like Yamaken helped Shizuku with her problem. He really fell for her huh. Is this what they call TSUNDERE?

Haru didn’t find a crayfish but promised to give Shizuku something better.

Aw. I’m kinda hurt seeing this one. I also want Yamaken to be happy. Argh. The background music really suits the situation…

When the other three left, Yamaken gave the pen to Haru. Haru asked if Yamaken love Shizuku and…

“Is that a problem!”


A great episode this week with a lot of emotions building up! A second love triangle is officially introduced. We got to see a bit of Natsume Asako’s flashbacks and her feelings for Mitsuyoshi development. And a lot more. The comedy is just on the right track, not overlapping the serious mood this episode has. I cant get enough of Haru’s oblivious attitude. His voice really suits her character. Hats off to Suzuki, Tatsuhisa.

I also like that the love triangle here are so unlike the normal bad bitches who would not amount to anything, but some nice person (Oshima and Yamaken). That’s why I’m torn between Oshima and Shizuku over Haru and Yamaken and Haru over Shizuku.

I want to read the manga but it will spoil the fun of watching the anime so, NO! Although I keep on reading some spoilers in fb.


Cant wait for the next episode – finally it’s Christmas!

8 stars

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